Last July, a team composed by seven TLP instructors visited Moron AB and Rota NAS. The objective of this trip was to engage with different Units and institutions in order to explore further training opportunities. TLP visited the ASTA facility (the Eurofighter Typhoon main simulation Centre) to exchange some Live-Virtual and Virtual training experiences. Also, TLP members visited the MV-22 Unit (SPMAGTF) to regain cooperation between this Unit and the TLP in the Flying Courses and the Rescue Mission Commander Course. TLP visited the Spanish Navy HQ in Rota, as well as some naval Units such as the aircraft carrier Juan Carlos I, and different Spanish Navy flying Units. Potential for a Flying Course centred in naval operations was discussed. The final day of this TLP road trip included briefings with US NAVY CTF 65, which provided detailed information about the different Units deployed in Rota NAS.