TLP has 395 air-conditioned bedrooms, all of which are furnished and can accommodate up to 554 personnel. All bedrooms at TLP are non-smoking.
Every room has a telephone and internet access along with en-suite facilities. Please note that the power supply is 230 volts/ 50 Hz/ Spanish power sockets with round 2 pin plug.
Special touches include towels in every room and a daily room cleaning service.
Staff reception are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Currently, no TV services are being offered.
You can have access to Internet in:
Your room: Wi-Fi is available in every room. 1connection per device. You will find the WIFI USER AND PASSWORD IN YOUR ROOM.
Participants should note that there is limited bandwidth which is shared amongst several hundred rooms. The connection will support standard web browsing and e-mail traffic, however it is not suitable for making real time voice, video calls or downloading movies!
MURF Building has a Wi-Fi connection which is available to all and free to use.
Internal calls:
There is a telephone available in the room to place internal calls within TLP’s building, as well as a phone guide in which you will find the room numbers.
Calls from outside:
The facility to connect with the telephone in your room is also available An automated operator will attend the call.
To connect with TLP from outside dial +0034 967 598 601. An automated operator will attend your call.
Check In
The steps to follow are:
Upon arrival to Reception you must identify yourself by showing your ID/Passport and confirm your check-out date.
You receive information about accommodation conditions:
– With charge to the user: you receive information about the amount to be paid per night.
– Without charge for the user.
A room will be assigned to you and you will be given the key once you have made a deposit of €20, in cash, for the same (in case of non-conformity, use the incidence form, or contact TLP ADMIN)
You will receive all the information you may need during your stay
For more information download the Services Directory HERE!
Check out
The steps to follow are:
You should contact Reception to inform of your Check-out.
Reception will confirm that your check-out date coincides with the one appearing in the Computer Record.
You must return the key and the items under deposit. Reception will return to you the amount you deposited for the same or will indicate to you that you must pay the amount for the items you have not returned or which you return in bad condition and any other payment for services you have used. The payment may be made either in cash or with a credit card and a cashier’s ticket will be handed over to you as payment justification or if you prefer invoice will be presented to you.
Sign invoice for services you have used:
– Without charge: If the user comes with a prepaid accommodation by the TLP, two copies of the invoice are issued which must be signed by the user and which will be left at the Reception.
– With charge: If the accommodation is up to the user, three copies of the invoice are issued which will be signed by the user, two copies stay at the reception and the other one for the user. The payment may be made either in cash or with credit card.